Thursday 12 January 2012

final projict

Water shortage in Somalia

Water shortage has been a serious issue that humanity faced from the long times. Humans needs water in order to live and survive and although 71% of the world is made of water, only 2.5% percent of that water is fresh and drinkable. The problem lies in the location of the fresh water; 98% percent of the fresh water is located either on the form of ice or under the ground, 0.3% is located in the rivers and the left can be found in the air as vapor. Another problem is the distribution of the fresh water around the globe; rivers, which is the best source for water does not exist in some countries like the gulf countries and some rivers exists in a hard to get locations like some countries in south America. Other effecting factors can be finance and politics, some countries is in unstable political state that causes the finance of the country to drop which in the end will cause water shortage.
Somalia’s Case:
In Somalia, water shortage has been an issue for many years. The only sources of water that exists are the two rivers Jubbah and Shebelle, the few underground water wells and the periodic rain from season to season. Even these sources of water cannot be accessed all the time due to the unstable political state that the country faces between the government and the militia. This caused financial problem to the government that made it even harder to create water desalination plants. Another reason is the instability of river’s flood control and the water withdrawal from the desalination plants that makes it hard to use them as a permanent source of water supply. Recently, drought has started to loom in the country and people are facing even more water shortage. Rainy water can’t cover the necessity of the land and people anymore.

Right now, people started fled to the cities looking for stable water supply. People started to rely on aids from many countries has been coming to provide water, food and medical help. Water communities from various countries have volunteered to go to Somalia and conduct researches to find more water sources whether it was underground or controlling the weather or the most common solution that even the people of the country are doing, digging for water. These solutions cannot last long and extreme measure must be done. Aids should be given to build a better solar desalination plants for better water operations, mediating countries should try to create peace meeting to create a better and stable political state and thus help providing stable water supply facilities, cooperation between water communities and the government to enhance the current water sources like a better flood control system and help researching for a better water resources. Finally, increase the awareness of the Somalis about water saving methods.
Water shortage is a serious problem that still continues to endanger many lives and humans around the world should be more aware of the danger of water shortage. It caused many countries to lose many of its population due to underestimating the problem and late solutions. Somalia is a good example with 40,000 lives at stake and a possible of one third of its population to face the same problem in the next few years cause of many facts that affected water sources and the ability to reach them. The solutions were uncertain and lack stability due to lack of knowledge and financial support. If not handled seriously, it may affect the rest of the world.
Word count: 593

·         BBC News - Somalia drought: Aid agencies in new warning. (n.d.). BBC - Homepage. Retrieved January 12, 2012, from
·         Somalia - annual freshwater withdrawals. (n.d.). Index Mundi - Country Facts. Retrieved January 12, 2012, from
·         Water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January 12, 2012, from
·         IRIN Africa | SOMALIA: Water shortage to blame for AWD outbreak | Somalia | Early Warning | Environment | Health & Nutrition. (n.d.). IRIN • humanitarian news and analysis from Africa, Asia and the Middle East - updated daily. Retrieved January 12, 2012, from
·         Water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January 12, 2012, from

Thursday 15 December 2011

Summary 3

Porsche 911 VS Bugatti Veyron

There are many fast cars in the world, but there are few cars which are good. In this essay, I would like to describe a few similarities and differences between the Porsche 911 and the Bugatti Veyron.
There are significant differences between the Porsche 911 and the Bugatti Veyron. One important difference is that the price is a big difference.  The Porsche 911 is cheaper; it US$137,000 , but the Bugatti Vegatti is more expensive; it costs US$ 1,600,000 . Another major difference is the top speed. The top speed for the Porsche 911 is 192 mph (Renolds, 2007), but the Bugatti Vegatti is 253 mph (Bovington, 2010). Another difference is the weight of the car. The weight of the Bugatti Veyron is 4350 b, but the Porsche 911 is weight is 3650 b. Yet another big difference is where they are made. The Bugatti is made in Italy, and the Porsche 911 is made in Germany. They also differ in the horsepower. The Porsche 911 has 480 horsepower, and the Veyron has 1001 horsepower (Adams, et al., 2006).
They have several things in common. A notable similarity is the kind of the car. Both the Porsche 911 and the Bugatti Veyron are sport cars. They are also alike in speed. The Porsche 911 and the Bugatti Veyron both go from zero to 60 mph in fewer than five seconds. Another major similarity is that they are both expensive. They both cost more then US$ 100,000 . Yet they are also alike in the posotion of the engine. The engine is in the rear of the Bugatti Veyron and the Porsche 911.  You could not see a lot of Porsche 991s and Bugatti Veyrons.
In conclusion, I think that the Porsche 911 is better . One reason why I believe this is it is cheaper than the Bugatti Veyron. Another reason is the Porsche 911 is more economical than the Bugatti Veyron.                         
-          Bovingdon, Jethro. “Heat-seeking missiles: Bugatti meets on the open roads of oil-rich Qatar.”
             Motor Trend (Sept 2010) 56+. Gale Student Resources in Context. Web. 29 Aug 2010.
-          Auto Tech.(Features; best of what’s New 2006; Auto Tech)(Bugaers guide). Eric Adams, Joe Brown and Dan Lienert. Popular Science 269.6 ( Dec 2006): p71
-          Topless Turbo: the 192-Mph tanning booth. ((newcomers) porsche 911 turbo cabriolet)(Product/service evaluation). Kim Renolds. Motor Trend 59.9 (Sept 2007): p158(1).


Monday 31 October 2011


      In this article the author describes how the old life was in the UAE and how people were suffering because of the hot whether . First the author interviews with Bakhit Thaloob and he describe his life . Bakhit used to take his afternoon nap in the village mosque where they put six fans. “We even bathed at the mosque facilities . The water stored at the shelter was reserved for the women and young girls who didn’t visit the mosque “ says Thaloob softly . The author points out that people used to wake up before sunrise and they went back to sleep after  Alisha and he mentions that people did not have enough money According to him they spent most of what they earned on food  . In the second part of the article he talks about  summer and winter  . In the winter children walked for kilometers and then caught a truck to reach school but in summer they looked for jobs to get money . In the final section of the article Thaloob says “ I miss the community bond “ and that was the only thing that he missed 

Reference :

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Mr. Hedley's trip

About 30 years ago, Mr Hedley , with his wife Mary and his elder daughter traveled by car, ferry, and a small boat to  visit the Niah Caves in East Malaysia .

They set off early morning from Bander Seri Begawan (B.S.B), the capital of Brunei . They arrived at dusk and stayed in a Government rest house. The next morning they went to the caves and saw men climbing poles in order to scrape birds nests off the roof of the caves. They returned the next day.

Mr Hedley was lucky enough to see the men climbing and getting the nests from the cave , but he hit his car due to speeding which resulted in him losing reverse gear.