Monday 31 October 2011


      In this article the author describes how the old life was in the UAE and how people were suffering because of the hot whether . First the author interviews with Bakhit Thaloob and he describe his life . Bakhit used to take his afternoon nap in the village mosque where they put six fans. “We even bathed at the mosque facilities . The water stored at the shelter was reserved for the women and young girls who didn’t visit the mosque “ says Thaloob softly . The author points out that people used to wake up before sunrise and they went back to sleep after  Alisha and he mentions that people did not have enough money According to him they spent most of what they earned on food  . In the second part of the article he talks about  summer and winter  . In the winter children walked for kilometers and then caught a truck to reach school but in summer they looked for jobs to get money . In the final section of the article Thaloob says “ I miss the community bond “ and that was the only thing that he missed 

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